Monday, October 29, 2007

Sometimes It's Good To Steal

Given my interests in health system performance, I was drawn to this New York Times article highlighting how the Swiss and Dutch Health Systems - as hybrid private-public models for universal heatlhcare insurance - are in vogue among U.S. politicians. Other than to briefly note that citizens in these two European countries are forced to purchase their own health insurance at the risk of penalty, the article is light on the details.

It's still unclear to me whether these health systems are in the press because they are effective (from a quality and cost perspective) or because they are politically feasible in a United States political environment that is increasingly looking towards universal health insurance but that is also wary of single-payer models of universal coverage. Nonetheless an interesting article and something I'm going to read up on before my next post.

1 comment:

Toni Brayer, MD said...

Thank you for the link, Taki.